Finding Purpose Read online

Page 4

  As soon as she did, he grabbed his fishing gear and worked his way toward the building. Before long he was casting into the channel that led up to the warehouse doors. He eventually reached an angle where he could see inside. Two men were loading packages into a large container, while two others watched. One he recognized as Taylor from the pictures Victoria had sent. The other looked strangely familiar. He reminded John of an oily weasel on legs. Where have I seen him before?

  Then it hit him.

  It was the man who had stolen his wallet the day he had arrived on Viata.

  John stumbled. They all looked at him at once.

  One man, who was two hundred plus pounds of muscle, burst out of the side door.

  He waved a thick arm at John. "Hey you. This is private property.”

  John hooked a fish. While he fought it, he didn't notice how close the man had come until too late.

  "Are you deaf or something? I said move on."

  The fish continued to pull hard on John's pole. "Give a guy a minute. Can't you see I'm a little busy?"

  The man jerked the pole from John's hand, broke it over one knee and tossed it into the water, wrenching John's arm in the process.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" John asked.

  The man charged. John sidestepped, throwing the big man off balance. He slipped and grabbed John's left arm on the way down.

  John felt his arm slip from its socket. White-hot pain greeted him as he hit the ground.

  People began to gather.

  The big man must have decided that he didn't need the attention, because he went back to the warehouse. "I told ya to move on asshole."

  An old man in khaki trousers and a straw hat had seen them struggling and came over to help John up. "You ok son?"

  "I've dislocated my arm."

  "The way you went down, I thought so. Do you need me to call a medic for you?"

  "No, it's happened before. I can put it back in. I just need you to gently move my arm in the direction I tell you."

  "I can do that," he said.

  The old man followed John's instructions and it slipped into place. The pain lessened and relief washed over him.

  "There you go," the old man said.

  John stood. "Thanks."

  "Glad to help. You hurt anywhere else? You're favoring your left side."

  "A blaster wound from months ago. I'll be all right. Thanks again."

  John looked toward the warehouse where Taylor spoke with the big man. The big man stomped away, then Taylor turned to talk with the weasel man that had stolen John's wallet. Weasel kept looking at John, shaking his head and agreeing with whatever Taylor was saying.

  The old man patted John on the back. "I believe I'd find a different place to fish if I were you."

  "I think you're right."

  John picked up his knife from the ground. It had fallen out of his pocket in the scuffle. His father had given it to him as a child, and he always carried it with him. It had come in handy more than once.

  John climbed into his roamer and left. A little way down the path, something told him he was being followed. A roamer in his mirror was keeping its distance a little too evenly. It sped up when he sped up. It slowed when he slowed. John stopped completely and it turned up another path. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.

  He continued on his way to Bill's for a bite to eat.

  John remembered seeing a medical station along the way, and went there to have his shoulder checked.

  Later at Bill’s place, Kian went to John's table and sat a water down. "What’s with the sling?"

  "I dislocated my shoulder."

  "How long you gotta to wear it?"

  "Couple of days anyway."

  A man at the bar waved Kian over as John's comm unit chirped. It was Katrina.

  "I didn't think I'd hear from you again," John said.

  "I'm sorry. I over reacted. My temper gets the best of me sometimes. Forgive me?"

  "Sure, but I have a few questions about Coles."

  "You don’t really believe she is a murderer?"

  "I'm not saying that at all. I'm only trying to gather information. For example, do you know why she would be delivering something to Taylor's warehouse this morning?"

  "Where you following her?"

  "No. I'm investigating Taylor."

  She remained silent a moment. "If you're talking about Dick Taylor, everyone knows he's a drug dealer. A real lowlife jerk."

  "She dropped something off at his warehouse this morning. I'm not sure what, but a big man came out to run me off."

  "That sounds like Greg Gibson, his muscle. I knew Coles wasn't doing well financially, but I didn't think she would ever work for someone like Dick Taylor. She must be desperate. I'll have a talk with her."

  They spoke a few more minutes, then John ended the call and went home.

  The sun sank below the horizon. Out on the water was quickly becoming one of John's favorite places to experience sunset.

  The peaceful feeling didn't last.

  His comm unit notified him of a security breach at his house.


  Pedora called right after his comm unit informed him of a security breach. She was hysterical. "Mr. Finder, the alarm is going off. I'm not sure what's happening, and don't know what to do. We are in Clarissa's room."

  "Go to my room, and in back of my closet on the top shelf is a weapon. You know how to use one don't you?"


  "Good. Do it now. I'll stay on the line."

  A few moments passed. "Got it. Now what?"

  "Go to the nearest pad, enter the all-clear code and then listen for movement."

  He heard shuffling noises followed by silence. He had pushed the throttles to the stops, but it wasn't fast enough for him. His heart raced. "You hear anything?"

  "No, I don't hear anything." John could hear her calming Clarissa, telling her it would be ok. "We're heading back to Clarissa's room," she said.

  "Stay on the line and keep your guard up, I'll be there in a minute."

  John tied off as quickly as he could with the sling getting in his way, and rushed towards the house.

  He took a quick walk around the house and outbuilding, finding nothing out of the ordinary. A flock of gulls swooped in and landed on the rail of the deck as he climbed the steps. They waited expectantly while John entered the house. Clarissa must be feeding them again.

  Pedora and Clarissa met him in the living room. Pedora was shaken up.

  "I didn't find anything," John said "It must have been a false alarm. Probably those gulls outside.”

  Pedora released a breath she had been holding. "That alarm scared me to death. I'm sorry if I overreacted. What is wrong with your arm?"

  "I dislocated it earlier today. Its fine, don't worry about it." John went to the fridge for a water. He offered one to Pedora and Clarissa. Pedora declined and Clarissa was already shifting back into play mode, not interested. Sometimes he wished he could just forget things and move on as quickly as she did.

  Soon the incident was forgotten and he ushered the girls off to bed. He tried to get some rest himself, but couldn't. His mind ticked away, trying to put pieces of the case together.

  Councilor Ashton had cheated on his wife Amy with Kay Coogan, his secretary. That was a good motive for murder, but would Ashton’s wife be able to plant a bomb? He doubted it. Kay's husband Stan seemed a more likely suspect.

  John lay there with possibilities bouncing around in his head until he finally drifted off to sleep.


  The next morning John sat in his roamer in front of Stan Coogan's place of business. He reached into the pocket of his cargo shorts for his comm unit. He pulled up the file that Victoria had given him on Coogan; he had a colorful background. His dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps raised flags at once. John didn’t see the details of his discharge, but his MOS 0351 as an assault marine, made him a logical suspect. Especially if he knew his wife had chea
ted with Councilor Ashton. Stan's occupation at the moment was a backcountry guide. When John saw that, he made a mental note to see if Pedora's parents knew anything about him. His storefront displayed the name of 'Coogan's Nature Tours'. He climbed out of his roamer and walked inside.

  A receptionist, wearing what John could only describe as outdoorsy clothing, greeted him with a bright smile. "Hello, how can I help you? Are you interested in a mountain adventure today?"

  John's eyes wandered around the shop, drawn by the large murals of people involved in assorted outdoor activities. "Actually, I'm looking for Stan Coogan."

  "He is out and not expected to be in until later. Would you like to leave a message?"

  "Just have him call me please." John gave her his business card. "Did you know his late wife Kay?"

  "Not well, she didn't come around much."

  "Would you say they had a good marriage?"

  "What's all this about?"

  "Just curious. Trying to get a picture in my mind."

  "I shouldn’t be having this conversation. I'm just trying to make a living here."

  "I understand, but would you say they were happily married?"

  "Sir, unless you are going to book a tour, we're done here."

  John left the building. He hadn't got an answer, but he could tell she didn't think much of Coogan's wife by her body language when he mentioned her.

  John had a cup of coffee at the cafe across from Coogan's place. After a while a man who looked like the picture in his file arrived. He was lean and muscular. He either had a good business, or kept himself in shape.

  John paid his bill and went back over. Apparently the receptionist had already spoken about their conversation.

  "Where do you get off badgering her about my wife? Don't you have any respect for the dead?"

  "I'm sorry if I've offended you, but I'm investigating her death."

  "I've already given my statement to the authorities. I don't have to talk to you."

  "Do you have any idea who might have wanted her dead?"

  John had trouble reading this fellow. He didn't let anything show, except for his clear irritation. "It’s time for you to leave."

  Coogan took a step closer. John didn't want to have a confrontation here, especially with his arm in a sling, so he turned and left.

  John moved to the far side of the plaza and waited for Coogan to leave.

  John knew where he lived so when Coogan left, he followed at a leisurely pace. The roamer path led through a recreational area, into a wooded area beyond. When he was well into the thick cover of the pine trees when a projectile impacted the roof of his roamer. John pulled over and Coogan stepped out of the tree line above with a pistol at his side.

  John considered taking a shot at him, but took the warning shot for what it was. He waved, and turned his roamer back the other way.

  On his way back down the path, he got a notice that his alarm at home was going off again. He pulled to the side and called Pedora. She shut the alarm off and checked around, but found nothing wrong. It was another false alarm.

  John got moving again and decided to try his luck questioning Coles again. If Katrina had talked to her, he might get some information out of her this time.

  John pulled into the busy marina, glad of all the people around, maybe she wouldn't pull a gun on him this time.

  He set the brake and made his way down the dock to her boat.

  She wasn't on deck, so he called to her and she came out.

  "You again. Can’t take a hint, can you?"

  John held up his good arm in a gesture of peace. "If you would please give me a moment of your time."

  She considered a moment, then sighed and waved him aboard. "You got five minutes."

  They settled into seats.

  "What's with the sling?" she asked.

  "Hurt my arm. I'm trying to find out who Joy's enemies were. Who would want to kill her?"

  "Just so you know," she said, "the only reason I'm giving you the time of day is because my friend Katrina likes you."

  "Fair enough. Can you tell me where you were that day?"

  "Here on my boat. Ask anyone around."

  "Do you have any idea who would want to kill her?"

  "Frankly, I can't think of anyone who would want to kill Joy. She was one of the most generous people I know. Sure, I owed her money, but she was upset with me because I wanted to start a charter of my own."

  "Is there anyone she may have rubbed the wrong way? Any of her customers maybe?"

  John had his back to the marina, waiting for a reply, when a projectile whizzed by his ear, knocking him out of his seat. Coles hit the deck beside him.

  "What the hell was that," she asked.

  John rubbed his right ear. His hand came back covered in blood. John pressed his hand against his ear. "That's the second time today someone has shot at me. Did you hear the shot?"

  "No I didn't. You are lucky they didn't use a blaster."

  They lay there a moment listening. No one had cried out.

  Coles peeked over her seat and looked around. "I don't see anything. Whoever it was must have moved on."

  John scanned the area. Everyone seemed unaware that anything had happened, they were going about their business.

  A small figure in a huge hat walking swiftly up the rise and into the trees drew John’s attention. The figure was out of sight before he could get a good look.

  John climbed into his roamer and left. Coles had bandaged his ear, which stung like mad. He had been shot at plenty of times, but now he had Clarissa to think about. He had already considered sending her to his sister back on Earth for a visit. This new threat decided it. Her safety was paramount. Besides, it would give him a chance to find an older Nanny.

  Not wasting any time, he contacted his sister Amanda to make the arrangements.

  "Are you sure it'll be ok? Roger won't mind?" John asked.

  "Of course he won't mind. How long are you going to let her stay?"

  "I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know."

  "She can stay as long as you need. You're in trouble aren't you?"

  "Nothing I can't handle. Don't worry about me. I'll call you back with an arrival time. Love you sis."

  Afterwards, he called Katrina and told her what was happening, and warned her to keep a distance for a while.

  When John reached home, he climbed the steps to the deck. Now there were even more gulls than before on the railing, with others crying overhead. He shook his head and went inside.

  Pedora greeted him from the living room. She was having a tea party with Clarissa. He went over and sat on a chair next to the little table they had set up.

  "Clarissa, how would you like to visit Amanda and the kids?" John asked.

  Her eyes lit up and she shook her head with enthusiasm. "Can I take my tea set and oven?"

  "Of course. You can take what ever you want. In fact, you should go and gather up what you want to take."

  "Okay." She jumped up from the table and took off for her room.

  Pedora looked at John with questioning eyes. "Is everything okay? Am I being fired?"

  "Not at all. Things are getting too dangerous on this case so I'm going to send Clarissa to my sister on Earth. I have a different job for you if you’re willing."

  She perked up. "What did you have in mind?"

  "I desperately need someone to take appointments and handle my calls at the office. Would you be interested?"

  "Sure. Would I be doing that from now on, or just till Clarissa comes back?"

  "Lets just take it one day at a time."

  It relieved John to know that Clarissa was excited about seeing his sister's kids. He spent the rest of the day packing her things and playing with her.

  The next morning, John and Clarissa rode a transport into orbit.

  "Are you excited?" John asked.

  Clarissa was absorbed in a game on her pad. "I gonna show them my new game."

  John leaned over an
d kissed her. He took a deep breath and looked away, focusing on the backs of the other passenger's heads. His mind knew this was for the best, but his heart hated it. She didn't understand that she was in danger.

  John took a mental picture to sustain him. She looked up at him and smiled. He started to say something, but a voice came over the speaker to prepare for docking.

  When they were inside the bay of the huge starship, an arm extended from the bay wall, encircling the ship like a huge pincher, pulling the transport into a docking slot.

  There was a soft bump and then the clack of the docking clamps engaging. Everyone rose and collected their things to disembark. John remained seated until they were the only two left.

  A smiling attendant came down the aisle. She was the assigned caretaker to see Clarissa safely to Earth.

  "Hello," she said as she squatted down to Clarissa's level, "my name is Merica."

  Clarissa looked to John.

  "She is going to take care of you until you get to Earth and then Amanda will pick you up."

  Clarissa nodded and put her arms around John. "I be ok daddy."

  John couldn't hold back the tear that leaked down his cheek.

  Merica took Clarissa by the hand. "I'll take good care of her Mr. Finder."

  John kissed Clarissa and watched her go; she waved goodbye at the hatch. He blew her a kiss and she blew one back, then she was gone. Moments later, the shuttle was loaded with new passengers headed back down to the surface.

  Back at home; John sat in his kitchen having a bite to eat, enjoying the view of the ocean. He had came home to close up the house and stay on the boat at Bill's dock. He would be a lot closer to work that way.

  When he finished with his meal, he left his weapon on the table and rinsed his plate off in the sink. The dishes were piling up, and he missed Pedora living here already. He washed them, but the sling made it a challenge.

  Feeling nature's call, he went to the bathroom.

  In the middle of doing his business, the alarm went off.

  "Damn, wouldn't you know.”

  That did it. When he got done, he would turn the damn thing off until Kian fixed it.